I thought it was an interesting trope inversion how the parent has the wisdom of anti-work, I think most of my parent characters would be the ones espousing the virtues of work while the youngster rails against society, etc It was nice to see a young person progress the other way and discover a passion. Well done!

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I was captivated by this story from beginning to end. Wow. Just wow. I went from feeling curious to creeped out to thrilled and then scared at the end? lol. I could visualize you and your dad having that conversation and he’s totally right. A black hole of missing time in the middle of your life? WHEWWWWW, okay!!

Thank you for not only writing, but resharing this. I couldn’t subscribe fast enough

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May 3Author

Oh wow thank you so much!! I appreciate you taking the time to read it and so clearly shifting through the emotions of the piece. I’m glad it came across how I intended. Also thanks one billion for subscribing hope to keep you thoroughly entertained and recommend you going back and reading some of the other pieces like “smiling with no teeth” and “the earth is a carnivore”

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another fantastically creepy dark story. awesome work.

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Apr 26Author

Thank you so much 🖤

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That ending SHOOK me 🫣

I love how everyone here connected that last scene to passion because for me, it was depression. I’ve done some pretty reckless things to *feel* something, which this character obviously needed.

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Apr 25Author

This is such an interesting take and I can see how that would be possible. Although I don’t think the two are mutually exclusive. Can passion for something (creating art) help shift or move you from a depressive state? I think it can but now I’ll sit and think on it some more. Appreciate you reading this 🖤

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Whew! 😮‍💨

The image of self mutilation left a mark but this line from the dad resonated the most:

"It’s like one day you’re working and one day you’re done, and all you have to show for it is a pension and a black hole of missing time in the middle of your life."

One of the things that drives me is not having that sense of a black hole in my life. I spent the first 3.5 years of my career in a place I loathed. I made some serious financial sacrifices after that that ultimately led me to be doing something I do enjoy over the last 5 years. I had no idea how it would turn out but I'm thankful for the family and wisdom to take a chance.

Thanks for the shoutout too sis! ✊🏽

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Apr 23Author

So glad that part stuck out for you and even more excited that you’ve managed to carve out a better space for yourself!! Hoping all artists can skip the self mutilation bit and get to a better space. Appreciate you reading

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Nah but there are legit days when I’m at work miserable because I have caught the strand of an idea and this stupid meeting is preventing me from slipping into the staff bathroom to clumsily type out a few paragraphs in my notes app.

You perfectly capture the intoxicating allure of creation and the push pull that exist from wanting to survive, and having to do things to assure that, versus wanting and needing the freedom to live and create. Bravo!

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Apr 23Author

It is a special kind of torture! Thank you for reading and here’s to hoping our best ideas don’t die while we’re stuck in meetings

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The infatuation to do something you’re passionate about versus something you have to do to survive is so real. You got gems in the vault for real.

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Apr 23Author

So real! And it’s wild because I didn’t really like this piece all that much but as I tidied it up before scheduling I realized it’s actually quite good!

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