Nah. You went off. This was so good. I can’t wait for Maya to read it. Thank you for not introducing the text at the beginning, I was able to enjoy it a lot more. So many favorite parts, but the use of using science of mushrooms feels so beautiful and tender. In someways it made the love between the humans more palpable. Wonderful, NJ. What can’t you write?

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Thank you as always for reading! It’s such an odd piece but its oddness works in its favor. Did you realize the interjections were stanzas for a sonnet?!

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I am a fan. I didn’t till after. I couldn’t recognize a sonnet if I tried - especially with my landlord early in the morning.

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😂😂😂 the landlord needs to sleep past 8am!

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Great read! It reminded me of the rock scene in Everything Everywhere All At Once, a lot unsaid on the surface but multitudes spoken underneath

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That was such a good scene! I can’t remember if I wrote this before or after I saw the movie but I definitely enjoyed the quiet loudness of it. Thanks for reading John!

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As a mycophile who loves a good anthology and is writing a few with the focus on fungi I LOVEEEE this

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I only became obsessed with mushrooms and fungi after reading “the genius plague” by David Walton a while back! It’s def worth checking out as it is a perfect combo of fiction and fungus. I’m so glad you took the time to read Spongos and appreciate that you enjoyed it!

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Really enjoyed this. washing lijke gentle waves. the poetic structure of the parts in bold was immediately obvious. and interesting. it made me stop to read . it felt like i was gently made to pause and understand the mind of the protagonist whilst the body of the main text was more narrative:

This is what we did.

This is how I felt.

what i didnt quite catch was the poems shifting in meaning. though repeated almost exactly, there were words changed and so meaning changed and sentiment from positive to negative... or maybe hopeful to crestfallen. i imagine the poetry took time to craft but the narrative felt like it flowed out in one take.

The concept of the unspoken minds meeting and understanding each other did resonate with me because of a piece i wrote quite recently that has the same theme of murder and inexplicable connection.

i must now read more that you have written! Thanks!

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thanks for reading Nick! Yes the poems are actually two sonnets that I built around the narrative to help highlight the point. And the they do have slightly different energies but maintain the same structure due to them both being sonnets. I am so glad you enjoyed it and appreciate you taking the time to comment.

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it was really really well done. I like to give feedback when something gets under my skin like this because I know how much i relish any feedback i get and exploring how something makes you feel and trying to understand the depth of the writing by creating feedback out of your own impressions is like 2 birds one stone. win win. 😎

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Wow, this is beautiful. I love the way you mixed in the poem, like a song. There are so many great lines and images and yes like Marc says, the science of mushrooms. So great.

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Just made my whole morning! Thank you

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